Match Reports

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Saturday 6h April 2024 3pm KO


Division 7 League Match

Tedburn St Mary 1st

Priory 1st 1-3 Tedburn St Mary Reserves 

Another game that we were not sure would be on due to this awful weather but with the hard work from Priory they managed to get the game on. We were coming off the back of a win in our most recent cup game, TSM Reserves confidence was high as we took on the 5th place Priory 1st.


Kick off and our confidence showed with a great display of football, but as the half went on, we thought history was repeating itself with the ressies not being able to finish off any chances. With a hard battle and teamwork, we held off the home side as we went into the half time break 0-0.

2nd half and it started to get tasty as we came out of the break full force. Starting right where we left off with getting all the chances but just not finishing any! A few minutes in and Priory 1st, picking up the pace and with some nice play beating our back line, a shot just inside the area pinging off the crossbar. Jack Tucker doing all he could, but he couldn’t keep the home side out as they scored the rebound, 1-0 Priory 1st.

A substitution at 55th minute proved a great tactic as within minutes of Harrison Ware coming off the bench, he got himself into a dangerous position against Priory. Harrison just outside the 6 yard box, slots the ball in off the post getting us level 1-1.


Priory adjusted their formation putting 4 lads up top but it wasn’t enough to beat the solid back line in Scott, Dale and Luke with Curtis joining them to bulk up the defence, priory couldn’t beat them.


The Ted’s were starting to apply pressure to the home side with Sam Taylor, Kieran Seatherton and Danny Stevens getting to dangerous positions against them. Unfortunately, they managed to clear the ball every time until it fell to Curtis Rourke.

In the 70th minute Curtis picked up the ball just inside the opposition’s half and “took a 25 yard shot”. Everyone held their breath, as the ball looked to have gone out of play over the head of the keeper but it didn’t. Instead, it dipped and flew right into the goal, putting TSM Reserves 2-1 up (some say it was a cross).


Tedburn were not taking any prisoners and even in the dying minutes of the game we suffocated Priory’s back line with chance after chance. It only took our young midfield prodigy Will Bastin to pick the ball up inside the final 3rd, taking inspiration from Curtis long shot he took a chance. Shooting from 20 yards out with a rocket shot, a slight deflection and it flew past the keeper putting us 3-1 up sealing the much needed 3 points.

A well-deserved win to all the lads! Well done, up the Teds!


Thank you to Priory 1st for working so hard to get the game on.

Starting line up:

Jack Tucker,

Curtis Rourke,

Luke Skinner,

Dale Bastin,

Scott Reinke,

Harry Saunders,

Jon Newman,

Will Bastin,

Danny Stevens,

Kieran Seatherton,

Sam Taylor



George English,

Harrison Ware,

Josh Rowe,

Jay Hedricks,

Archie Blaine

D.O.T.D: Josh Rowe- For wearing what I believe was his dad’s sandals with socks


M.O.T.M: Sam Taylor- For amazing work rate strength and determination